Hemlock Inn is located downtown Blowing Rock one block from the museum. Hemlock Inn offers Blowing Rock lodging for the Blowing Rock attraction and other festivals and events. Check out Blowing Rock accommodations and the specials that we have going on right now on Blowing Rock lodging and Blowing Rock accommodations. We are a downtown inn in Blowing Rock nearby to all of the areas attractions and Blowing Rock activities
Sunday Concert in the Park in Memorial Park in partnership wit Hunger and Health Coalitions A Simple Gesture Program. The concert starts at 1pm to 3pm in Memorial Park Gazebo on Main Street.
Dates for 2024:
May 19, 2024-Chris McGinnis- Appalachian Folk
June 16, 2024-Garrett Huffman-Country, oldies, and original songs
July 14, 2024-Jack Town Ramblers-Bluegrass, swing and gypsy jazz
August 18, 2024-Colby Hubble- Blues
September 8, 2024-Kevin Smith- Folk
October 6, 2024- Shay Martin Lovette- folk, indies,homestyle roots music